Cloud Fundamentals: AWS Cloud Certified Practitioner

September 25, 2015
Cloud Computing

Cloud Practitioner Exam(CLF-C01)


Cloud Practitioner is a fundamental certification from AWS. It tests you on the basics of cloud computing and the usage of AWS Cloud. If you are here reading this, then you already know the benefits and your Why of taking this certificate is clear. This post is targeted to help you find the right set of free trainings that can help you prepare for for AWS CLF-C01 and clear the exam.


How does having AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate help you?

Validates your knowledge and fluency of cloud fundamentals
Informs organizations about your knowledge to work on cloud initiatives
Learn and Be Certified with the biggest market leader of the cloud computing industry
Enhance Salary / Earning potential from your work

Image: Snapshot of my AWS CLF-C01 certificate earned by clearing the exam

Exam Overview and Costing ( As of March-2022)
Source (External Link): AWS-Certification-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner

Free trainings to prepare for AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate

You can find a lot of free and paid trainings to prepare for this exam. However AWS provides a range of free resources to prepare for the Cloud Practitioner Certificate. There are loads of self-paced learnings and fun based learnings as well. Visit the following links on AWS website to start your learning journey

Now that you have a fair idea about what to expect in the exam, you need to go through the full training and cover all the expected topics in the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam. You can find more trainings and resources still while being at the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Page here. For ease the trainings are listed below (did I mention that all are free :)

Find many free on-demand trainings on the Twitch platform

Note: For many of the links above you might need to sign-up, but relax no where you should be asked for any credit, debit card or even your paypal account, these are all free. If in case you find some, then do drop a comment.

Disclaimer: All links are publicly available the content here is a compilation to help those looking for information about how to go about the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate exam CLF-C01.

Page Photo by fabio on Unsplash


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